Easy. Simple. Low Carb Substitutes

Easy Low Carb Substitutes

Easy Low Carb Substitutes for People Who Don’t Have Time to Cook!

We all want to be the healthiest version of ourselves that we can be, but sometimes work, family, & life in general takes up most of our time. So how can we possibly juggle everything while trying to live a low carb lifestyle? The answer is simple, just use easy low carb substitutes!

Most recipes and information online requires you to make some, if not all low carb meals from scratch. Who has time for all that!? Why can’t living a low carb lifestyle be easy and convenient?

We all know dieting is hard, and we all know that it takes hard work and determination to get it done. Well why not get there with less struggle! I have been on and off keto for almost a decade, and I have learned A LOT! There is so much information available out there, and the difference here is that I’ve actually done it! I will show you all of the best keto/keto friendly substitutes that have made it easier to lose weight and keep it off! I have lost over 80 pounds, and have been able to keep it off with low carb substitutions and exercise. Yes, yes you need to exercise! You need to move and keep moving to get to where you want to be. It’s going to be hard, but this will make it easier to lose and maintain your weight loss. 

The Simple Low Carb Life is Now

I started out my weight loss journey with keto when there was little to no substitutes available. So if I wanted bread for a sandwich I would have to find a recipe online and hoped it tasted good, and the nutritional info was correct. Now almost all brands are coming out with keto/keto friendly substitutes. This is an absolute game changer!

I have compiled a list of items ready to enjoy at your regular grocery store! This is just a list that I have composed based on what I’ve actually tried. Disclaimer: Not all taste buds are the same, and most substitutes are not exact dupes. This is not a complete list of everything that is available, and other brands also have their own keto/keto friendly items as well. So shop around and find what works best for you!